Filipche: The idea is to open the borders without PCR tests


Countries in the region agree to open borders without PCR tests. Although it has been said several times that a decision will be made and it will be known whether we will need a test or not to travel to neighboring countries, Minister Filipche says that the government is waiting for an answer from them, what is the epidemiological situation in their countries and what would be the protocols and preventive measures for coronavirus protection.

Most countries in the world, with very rare exceptions, as the number of coronavirus cases increases, change the rules for both their own citizens and foreigners, to prevent the spread of the virus. And one of the most frequently changed rules are those for travel and entry into countries, and bans or restrictions in almost all cases depend on the number of newly infected.

Macedonian nationals still have entry without a PCR test only in Albania and Turkey. Entry for Macedonian citizens is prohibited in almost all EU countries, except for those citizens who have a regulated residence, or as is the case with Germany which allows travel without a test only for urgent health and economic reasons with a previously issued consent.

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