Coronavirus death toll in Macedonia equal to the total in the region


Former Health Minister Arben Taravari, current mayor of the Municipality of Gostivar, in his interview with the “24 Analysis” TV show, he pointed out that the situation with the number of newly infected with the coronavirus is worrying, especially the mortality.

“Let’s not talk about mortality, some might say that Im’m talking about absolute figures. Let’s not mention the absolute figures, let’s talk about the deaths per a million inhabitants, Macedonia is the absolute champion in the region. We are first with about 400 already per million inhabitants, after us is Kosovo with 320-30 per million inhabitants. After that, Bosnia is somewhere with 200, much less than us, not to mention Croatia, Greece, Serbia.

Taravari added that the mortality rates in Macedonia are quite high and even worrying compared to other countries in the region.

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