Arsovski: Municipality of Shtip awarded a scandalous contract to former Myor Bochvarski’s family company


If you still did not understand why the most unsuccessful mayor Blagoj Bochvarski from the ranks of SDSM became Minister of Transport and Communications, after this press conference it will be clarified, said VMRO-DPMNE’s Dimce Arsovski at Saturday’s press conference.

“The system for sucking the citizens’ money in the family companies that was introduced by Zoran Zaev in Strumica, is not an exception, but a rule of functioning in SDSM. This model is also applied in Shtip. The family company of the minister Bochvarski who is the former mayor of the municipality of Stip, won a public contract from the municipality of Stip. Namely, the family company “De Luks DOO” which is owned and managed by the uncle and father of Blagoj Bochvarski, Vladimir and Vencislav Bochvarski, won a contract in the amount of over one million denars from the municipality, where the same Bocvarski was mayor, namely 1,139,000 denars contract from the municipality,” says Arsovski.

He adds that to be even more suspicious, the company won the contract one day after Bochvarski became a minister, i.e. on September 1.

“Does this mean that Bochvarski’s family company participated in the whole procedure during the contract, even when he was mayor, and only he was expected to be elected minister to formalize his family company as the winner of the contract?”, asks Arsovski.

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