Health Minister warns: Weare facing the most difficult period in coping with the pandemic


Health Minister Venko Filipche in a video message on Sunday said that the situation with COVID-19 is serious and critical and the hospitals are already filled to capacity.

“We are probably facing the most difficult period in coping with the pandemic. I urge everyone to be responsible and aware of the seriousness of the situation as the virus is widely spread. The slightest negligence or non-compliance with public health measures can lead to infection. We need support now more than ever in the past eight months. As healthcare professionals we urge you to protect your own health,” Filipche said.

“Adherence to public health measures will be decisive how much we sacrifice ourselves further by the end of the pandemic. Everyone will decide for themselves whether their sacrifice will be wearing a face mask, no gathering of people, keeping their distance, or the sacrifice will mean the continuation of health and economic insecurity,” Filipche added.

“Everyone should comply with public health measures. Wearing a face mask and maintaining social distancing are a very small sacrifice compared to everything else,” Filipche said in a video message to the citizens.

At the moment, there are 14,661 active cases across the country, with 1,285 new cases were registered on Saturday. Over 900 patients are hospitalized in the infectious wards of the country. Due to the growing number of infected people who need hospitalization and overcrowding of hospital facilities, as of Saturday, the internal clinic of the Clinical Center started admitting patients for treatment.

Since the onset of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 38,782 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 23,011 patients have recovered. The death toll has reached 1,110.

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