Zaev: Macedonia would never veto Bulgaria



Prime Minister Zoran Zaev stressed on Sunday that the Macedonian and Bulgarian people share a common history, a common past.

“Our two people should grow closer together not further apart. We share a history, our languages belong to the same group. What we share can’t belong only to one side. Politicians bear a responsibility with every decision they make. If these decisions are good, they will leave a positive mark on history, otherwise they will promote bitterness. The Macedonian people are a friendly nation. I often say that the Bulgarians are our brothers and we have to support one another. The Macedonian people would never veto Bulgarians. I know that they don’t want to block us either. Politicians are the ones making the decisions. I understand that Bulgaria is in a difficult position, but it’s up to us politicians to explain the situation and we have to work harder on this,” Zaev said.

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