Macedonia at the bottom in natural sciences, according to TIMSS international assessments


Macedonia is in 45th place in mathematical literacy out of 58 countries, and in natural science the country is ranked below, i.e. out of 58 participating countries, Macedonia is in the 51st place. This was shown by the results of the TIMSS international assessments conducted in 2019, informs the Ministry of Education.

Singapore has the best results in mathematics literacy, followed by Hong Kong, China, Japan. In terms of the surrounding countries, our students are better in mathematics than students from Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The results of the TIMSS international assessments give us a true picture of where our education system is on the global map in mathematics and science and how well our students are able to use their knowledge.Testing has shown us that as a country we generally have the capacity to create quality educated generations, but that much remains to be done. That is why we are already working on a completely new concept for primary education that should encourage and express the full potential of every child. It should also create future generations who will not only memorize facts but will draw conclusions based on fact analysis”, said the Ministry of Education.

TIMSS (Trends International Mathematics and Science Study) is an international study that measures the achievements of students in mathematics and a natural group of subjects (natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biology), as well as the factors that influence those achievements.


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