Macedonian team “eBionics” winner of the “Generation without Borders 2019/2020″world competition


In a competition of 180 teams from 36 countries in the category of competitors under 18, the Macedoniane Bionics team is the global winner of this year’s world competition youth challenge “Generation without Borders 2019/2020” in New York.

The team won with the idea “Venus Arm”, i.e. a bionic hand printed with a 3D printer, intended for people with a lack of forearm.

The eBionics team, which made the bionic arm, consists of Orhan Bagashov – in charge of design, Teo Kitanovski – in charge of programming, Boris Noceski – in charge of managing social media and Anamarija Ilieva – in charge of creating the website.

They are students at PSU “Jahja Kemal” in Skopje, who worked under the mentorship of their teacher Ivan Chorbev.

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