Mickoski: Zaev needs to stop with the demagoguery and false promises


Facebook status posted by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski:

Zoran Zaev needs to stop with the demagoguery and new false promises.

Here is the truth:

If we imagine that the budget is 1000 denars, Zoran Zaev spends:

  • 127 denars for salaries,
  • 86 denars for goods and services that unfortunately no one knows what they are,
  • spends as much as 487 denars for bribing voters and buying social peace,
  • 288 denars are spent on pensions,
  • only 139 denars for health care during the worst coronary crisis,
  • 159 denars for unproductive spending, travel, lunches, etc.
  • only 93 denars for capital investments,
  • and at the same time indebts the people for 141 denars!
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