387 building permits issued in February, 951 apartments planned, 606 in the Skopje region


In February 2024, 387 building permits were issued, which is 9.9 percent more than in the same month of the previous year. The construction of 951 apartments is planned, of which 606 are in the Skopje region, according to the data release by the State Statistics Office (SSO) on Friday.
By region, the most permits were issued in the Skopje region, 123, of which 66 are in the municipality of Karposh, 12 in Ilinden, nine permits each in Gazi Baba, Petrovec and Sopishte, eight in Chucher Sandevo, six in Centar, followed by the South-East region, 57 approvals, Polog, 56, Vardar, 44, East, 32, South-West, 30, North-East, 28, as well as Pelagonia, where the least approvals were issued – 18.
Of the planned 951 apartments for construction, with a total usable area of 78,892 square meters, 606 are in Skopje, of which 537 are in Karposh, 35 in Centar, 13 in Gjorche Petrov, six in Sopishte. In other cities, 84 apartments are planned in Gostivar, 76 in Strumica, and 75 in Ohrid.

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