BESA releases names of new government – Limani to be minister of social policy, Durmishi minister of economy


The Besa Movement assembly at a meeting Thursday evening unanimously elected the candidates for members in the new Government, who should be elected in the Parliament.

“The assembly of the Besa Movement has decided that Fatmir Limani will be the candidate for the Minister of Social Policy, Demography and Youth, Besar Durmishi for the Minister of Economy and Labor, while Sedat Suleimani is the candidate for the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism,” said the party led by Bilal Kasami, part of the Worth It coalition.

Besa indicated that they will devote themselves to the three most priority points of the government program – the fight against crime and corruption, realization and implementation of the conditions for the country’s integration into the European Union and economic development of the country.

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