Mickoski: We will give Macedonia back to the people, we are creating a Government that is dedicated to returning Macedonia to its rightful place


It is a great honor to commemorate the creation of the party which, with its existence, was incorporated into the creation of the independent Republic of Macedonia and for over 30 years has been a companion through all the hardships, trials and great joys, sorrows and celebrations of our homeland, said VMRO–DPMNE leader and PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski on the party’s 34th anniversary.

“We will soon have a new government, new positions and new functions. And I have only one message for all of you – ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES, WORK AWAITS US!

We must give Macedonia back to the people. To bring investments, to fight tenaciously and hard to raise the standard of living. Let’s change Macedonia for the better. For you, for you, for your generations. Through major and strong reforms, let’s show that Macedonia belongs to the people, not to the cliques, elites and groups that stole and divided it.

I WILL FIGHT FOR ACHIEVING THE STRATEGIC GOALS. Joining the European Union will be our goal and good relations with our strategic partners. But we will not lose ourselves on that road through unprincipled agreements harmful to the state,” said Mickoski during his visit to Veles.

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