Zaev’s advisers are also leaving for higher salaries


So far, at least two of Zoran Zaev’s advisers have left the prime minister’s office, with about a dozen others having unofficial information that they will resign from their advisory terms.

The government has already confirmed that Lenche Nikolovska’s advisory engagement, which had given Zaev suggestions to improve the status of farmers, ended on November at her request.

Zaev said today that Mersel Bilali, who is also advising him on inter-ethnic relations, had sought a dismissal from the advisory post allegedly to avoid a conflict of interest.

The prime minister says some councilors decided to leave voluntarily following his announcement of a downsizing after facing harsh public criticism over a long list of councilors and amounts being cut from the state treasury for their royalties.

Zaev also said that some of the avisors are leaving because they have found jobs that are better paid.

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