Boki 13 reveals new secrets in Racket case, new charges announced


Bojan Jovanovski was questioned by prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska on Friday, December 20, to add information to his statement before the Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the Racket case. The interrogation lasted almost all day; from about ten in the morning to about ten in the evening, when he was returned to the Sutka Prison, with an active interrogation with no breaks of about 8 hours, reports daily Vecer.

The following Monday, December 23, the interrogation continued and lasted about three hours.

What is this new information that Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13, had to tell prosecutor Vilma Ruskoska? According to the news website Vecer, after seeing at the outset of the trial that his top-level aides intend to sacrifice and protect themselves, Boki 13 opened up to the end and recounted what had happened to the money collected from racketeering, from more people than just Orce Kamcev. It is a total of about 7 million euros raised by racketeering businessmen.

According to Boki, the money was handed over mostly to people close to the SDSM president, former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, specifically V.Z., a close relative of the current prime minister who handed over money to a meeting in Karposh, at the Leptokarija location. The threats against him, which Boki 13 mentioned in the trial, are also mentioned in the statement, and again as the main source of threats he mentioned V.Z.

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