Accommodation and financial help for family who lost two children in Suto Orizari fire


The Minister of Labor and Social Policy Rasela Mizrahi yesterday offered a placement and one-time financial help to the family whose children died in the fire at their home in Suto Orizari.

“Following the news of the tragic death of two underage children in Suto Orizari, within my competencies and the MoLSP, I sent professionals to the field, all with the aim of timely family care.

The CRS Skopje team inspected the site. According to the MoLSP’s competences, they are offered accommodation within the supported living facilities in Vizbegovo, and already one of the families that have accepted will be accommodated immediately.

The MoLSP will also provide one-off financial assistance to families as well as a refund for funeral services for the family of the deceased.

Once again, we offer our deep condolences due to the unfortunate event that shook Macedonia yesterday”, Minister Mizrahi said.

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