Chamber of Accountants: Angelovska allows uncontrolled e-commerce

The Chamber of Accountants of Macedonia regarding the reaction of the Ministry of
Finance sent after the press briefing claims that:
With regard to the objection to the increase in the exemption of duty free shipments
up to EUR 90, we consider that the basic prerequisite for a systematic solution that
will determine where the goods imported through customs duty free e-commerce is
not met. While waiting for the establishment of such a system, small traders and
importers who pay tax and customs will be affected by this novelty, which was also
highlighted at the press briefing.
The EU recommendation applies to imports for personal use, which must be
delivered directly to a known end user, and as we have stated there is no system
where the goods go. In addition, one thing is that citizens carry a travel of up to 350
euros and it is known who carries it and that amount is for personal use items
regulated by the act and for 350 euros if one tries to cross the border for sale or
commercial use, not personal again is obliged by positive regulations to pay
customs. This is not the case with the new changes to e-shipments and stimulates
the destruction of traders and importers who pay customs, by allowing systematically
uncontrolled e-commerce from foreign countries. As the MoF stated in their reaction,
the system is still missing, but they are working on its installation
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