People over 65 who don’t have 15 years of service will be able to redeem the service to retire


People who have turned 65 years old and do not have 15 years of service because they were not paid part of their contributions will be able to redeem years of service that they are missing so they can be able to retire. This is envisaged by the Draft-Law resolution which is on the agenda of today’s Parliamentary session.

The proposal was submitted by a group of MPs from DUI, and as one of the proponents Rexhail Ismaili explained, the initiative stems from the demands of citizens who have been facing this problem for years.

“As a result of the demands of many citizens, we have concluded that this issue should be drafted as a law,” Ismaili said.

Opposition lawmakers said they would back the bill and said it was a continuation of the legal solution VMRO-DPMNE adopted in 2015. They announced amendments to the second reading to improve the legal solution. Some of them had remarks about the period during which the law was submitted and considered it to be a pre-election law for buying votes.

According to Dragan Cuklev of VMRO-DPMNE, the law will have financial implications, to which Ismaili responded by denying such claims with education that the acquisition of seniority would bring funds to the PDIF Fund. Regarding the time when the law was filed, Ismaili clarified that the law is now being proposed to have continuity after the passage of the bankruptcy law.

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