The “Empire” case suspects knew in advance what the SPO was doing against them


The “Racket” trial continues after several delays. The prosecutor in charge of the “Racket” case, Lile Stefanova, who is currently testifying, said investigators explained to her that during the searches carried out on the suspect Jordan Kamcev, they were ready to welcome them.

During the search at 6am, Jordan Kamcev welcomed them wearing a tracksuit. Zoran Milevski-Kiceec was also there. A similar situation was reported by investigators at Orka Holding’s premises. The offices were neat and proper. There they were greeted by Mihajlo and Filimena Manevska, Stefanova said.

She added that there was a disagreement with defendant Katica Janeva about her request to accept milder measures for Jordan Kamchev, Saso Mijalkov and other detainees in the “Empire” case.

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