Interior Ministry collects data against spreader of hate speech Branko Trickovski


While monitoring online content for the purpose of identifying and documenting hate speech content, the Cybercrime Department has identified a profile under the initials B.T., which posted the following text on 06.02.2020 at 16.05: “I hear that Miserahi once again eats hummus made of dead Jews”, the Interior Ministry said.

The case has been documented and a notification has been submitted to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office Skopje in order to familiarize them with the case and at the same time issue a request addressed to the company Facebook Inc to submit user profile information. After obtaining the necessary data, appropriate measures and activities will be taken to identify the perpetrator of the offense under Article 394-d – “Spreading racist and xenophobic material through a computer system” and Article 319 – “Causing hatred, discord or intolerance on a national level, racial, religious and other discriminatory grounds, “provided by the Criminal Code, the information reads to the public.

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