Gangi: Macedonian agriculture faces many challenges

Limited investment in agricultural infrastructure, excessive fragmentation of
agricultural land and small agricultural holdings, abandonment of villages, difficult
access to markets, lack of income diversification opportunities and adequate
advisory services, limited capacity for sustainable agricultural practices, degraded
land , climate change vulnerability and inefficient forest resource management are
key challenges that the Macedonian agro-sector is facing, says FAO Deputy
Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, Nabil Gangi.
Gangi is in charge for the development and implementation of the FAO Program in
the country, and last week for the first time paid an official visit. He met with Deputy
Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Mila Carovska and Minister of Finance Trajan
Dimkovski. He announced that the priority areas of the current FAO program for the
period 2018-2020 include support for increased competitiveness of the agricultural
sector, improved living in rural communities through sustainable rural development
and sustainable management of natural resources under climate change.
In the next 18 months FAO will support Macedonia’s efforts to finalize the
development of the National Green Climate Fund National Work Program with
specific national public and private sector projects to adapt and mitigate climate
change in agriculture, forestry, water resources, energy, transport, waste,
biodiversity, health and cultural heritage. It will also help implement the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development.
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