Over 60% of companies face shortages of staff


Over 60 percent of the companies surveyed by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia face a shortage of labor force. There is a lack of staff from different types of education and from different professions, ranging from masters to highly skilled.

Part of the companies see the reason for this situation in the departure of the working population abroad, and part of the inadequate education and inactivity of the working population.

Lack of staff is not only characteristic of one of the planning regions in the country, but it is a problem in all planning regions.

– Of those looking for work, most of them are people with social science professions who cannot find a job in the labor market. That is why they tend to retrain and retrain them so they can get involved in the work process. They are also people with higher education qualifications who do not want to work at a lower qualification level, although the salaries offered by companies are higher. You have companies that offer salaries of up to 30,000 denars, but cannot find staff because workers think they are much better off sitting at home than looking for work, Natasha Janevska of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia said at a press conference on Monday.

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