Dimitrieska-Kocoska: Angelovska needs to reveal the cost of the new public sector ads opened after the elections were announced


Interim Deputy Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska called out the
interim Finance Minister Nina Angelovska for hiding the records showing how many
public sector employees were added to the rolls since it was agreed to hold early
elections on April 12, and how much these jobs would cost the state.
Dimitrieska Kocoska asks for data on how many people are hired full-time, part-time,
how many are through temporary employment agencies, how many approvals have
been issued for hiring people with work contracts and copyright contracts and how
their real need has been assessed.
"Why is she hiding these records? Do citizens need an explicit right for the
"transparent" minister to show them the records of the spending of their money ",
asked Dimitrieska Kocoska.

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