Zaev: SDSM is no longer a Macedonian party


SDSM is no longer a Macedonian party and therefore it is a favorite in the elections,
considers the president of the Social Democrats, Zoran Zaev. Speaking today,
commenting on the upcoming election coalition in the run-up to the April 12th snap
parliamentary elections, he says his party is now multiethnic as well as the ethnic
composition of the state.
"For the first time, we will be able to form a pre-election coalition with Albanian
parties. We are no longer a Macedonian political party – we are a multiethnic party
with a dominant Macedonian constituency, but so is the ethnic composition of the
state. All this gives us the right to be the favorites in this election," said Zaev in
The SDSM leader's statement is in line with the announcements of forming a pre-
election coalition with BESA and DPA. Zaev says that talks and reconciliation with
the parties that are already part of the SDSM-led coalition have just ended, and
announced that in the coming days they will also discuss new parties with which they
will participate in the snap elections.

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