Ivanov: I worked for the protection of the Macedonian national interests


At the invitation of the Macedonian Charity (MCWA) and the Sydney Macedonia
Club, former Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov was the patron and attended
several charity and humanitarian events held in Australia last week, where he also
met with the Macedonian Diaspora.
On current developments in Macedonia, Ivanov stressed that he was following their
concerns about them, saying they had endured very difficult times so that this too
would pass and better times would come.
-I worked for the protection of the Macedonian national interests and did everything
in my power and what this function allowed for their defense. I would also like to say
that everyone should respect the will of the people that was expressed in the latest
failed referendum in 2018. It gives the right for the decisions made in the 1991
referendum, where citizens have declared themselves to be an independent and
sovereign Republic of Macedonia, to be relevant, Ivanov said, adding that this
remains the basis for the next generation to fight for the return of something that
violently was taken away.

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