VMRO-DPMNE proposes a quick VAT refund for transport businesses


Macedonia is the weakest in Europe, the government has left businessmen on their own, as a result of which SDSM and the government led by them seriously fail in the measures to help businesses and citizens and the situation becomes desperate, the party said on Thursday. DPMNE is proposing another measure to help transport companies.

“While neighboring countries are allocating up to 10 times higher aid to the economy and citizens, SDSM has left small and medium-sized businesses stranded, which are the driving force of any economy, protecting only the interests of the oligarchy.” “Such an irresponsible policy only leads to a painful recession and severe poverty.”

VMRO-DPMNE proposes a quick return of VAT to transport trade companies together with interest for late payment, which according to them will mean the supply of fresh money to maintain daily liquidity.

“The registration of the vehicle fleet, which is a large expense for the transport companies, to be paid in installments of at least six months from the date of adoption of the Decree or to extend the period of validity until the period of state of emergency as an example with all other official documents. Carriers are one of the most affected by the pandemic and a very important link in the supply of food, groceries and medical equipment. “They are vital to the functioning of the state in such an alarming and complex situation during a pandemic,” reads the party’s statement.

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