Former PM violates curfew during epidemic


While the country is tackling the greatest health and the economic crisis, former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev prioritizes his own pleasure – motorcycling.

SDSM’s leader, a day after the period of self-isolation ended and after the second negative test of the coronavirus, went on a ride with his motorcycle in the company of his fellow bikers on Friday in Berovo.

As of Friday, the ban on movement in forests and forest land was introduced, with a additional ban on picnics and visits to forest parks. The ban is valid from 06:00 to 20:00. Those who do not comply with the restrictions will be fined 1,500 to 2,000 euros in denar counter-value, according to government decrees. However, Zaev and his friends, despite this ban on movement, went for a ride on their motorcycles from Strumica to Berovo through a completely forest area.

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