Citizens split about the possibility of holding a population census in 2021


Citizens with divided expectations about the possibility of organizing a census in Macedonia next year, shows the latest public opinion poll conducted for the Detector by the Institute for Political Research Skopje.

According to the poll, 37.5% of citizens expect a census in 2021, while 35.4% believe that there will be no census. 27.4% of respondents said they did not have an answer to this question.

More than half of the citizens see the census as a political operation, while only a quarter think it is a statistical count of the people. 56.2% believe that the census is a political and 24.9% a statistical operation. Nearly three-quarters of respondents believe that the column of nationality of citizens should remain in the future census.

74.8% of respondents have such an attitude, while 14.1% believe that there should not be a nationality column.

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