What’s behind SDSM’s initiative to convene the Parliament?


SDSM says that the only goal of the initiative to convene the Parliament is to confirm the decisions of the head of state, Stevo Pendarovski, to introduce a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“The position of our parliamentary group is that the Parliamentin such a situation should be put into operation. Of course, we believe that we are in accordance with the Constitution of the country, and that is why we believe that we should make another attempt in that area. It is good to convene the Assembly taking into account the duration of this health crisis, but of course the confirmation of the decisions of the President of the country,” said SDSM Spokesperson Kostadin Kostadinov.

However, unofficial information says that in addition to these decisions, SDSM is preparing others that should be on the agenda. One of them is a proposal to remove the Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, and then organize quick elections in June. SDSM denies such allegations, but there are serious suspicions among other political parties that it is actually behind the initiative to return the Parliament to function.

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