Zaev and SDSM annul the Macedonian language?!


University professor and author Jasna Koteska clearly points out that the
government wants to relativize it, characterizing it as untrue, or just a one-sided view
of work. This applies to documents, already publicly disclosed, which make it clear
that Bulgaria's request has become part of the EU enlargement conclusion, and
applies to Macedonia and Albania.
They demand that Macedonia abandon its concern for the Macedonian minority, and
that the EU use the term "official language of the Republic of North Macedonia"
instead of Macedonian.
The professor, in a post on social media, translates the third sentence of this
document, regarding the EU enlargement and the conclusions of March 25 for
getting a date for negotiations for Macedonia and Albania.
"No document/position/statement of the EU and the EU institutions should be
interpreted as recognizing the existence of an independent, so-called 'Macedonian

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