All against, only SDSM ready for elections


It seems that SDSM is not only considering organizing elections as soon as possible,
but also the foundations have been laid for how the pre-election events after the
coronarcrisis would be conducted.
SDSM Secretary General Ljupco Nikolovski reminds that the party's position is that
the health of the citizens is above all and that the elections will be discussed later,
however the state must slowly move towards the new normal everyday life that will
change the way of conducting the election campaign. Nikolovski announces that the
upcoming campaign will be in accordance with preventive measures by wearing
masks and keeping distance.
"During this period, the number of new patients is decreasing, and the number of
recovering is drastically increasing. It raises the question of returning to normal in
everyday life, it means going to a new everyday life, a new normality, but that does
not mean that citizens should relax in respecting the measures. The fact is that
masks and distance remain our new normal in all activities. This also means in the
context of the election process that is imposed after dealing with the coronavirus, i.e.
masks and keeping distance, as well as other medical protocols will also be part of
the election process," Nikolovski said.
But VMRO DPMNE says that this is not the right time to think about elections.

"VMRO-DPMNE never thinks about elections in such a health crisis involving a
pandemic, at a time when we count casualties from the coronavirus every day, i.e. at
a time when the Republic of Macedonia has one of the highest death rates. SDSM
wants to organize elections at any cost, as you can see, there is a mass bribery by
their structures and people close to the Zaev family, all in order to be able to hunt in
the dark," said VMRO DPMNE spokesperson Dimce Arsovski.

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