Head of the election commission believes that elections are not possible in the shortest possible time


President of the State Election Commission Oliver Derkovski, in his guest appearance on TV 24 talked about the elections that were to be held on April 12 but were postponed due to corona virus and now the SDSM government wants the elections to be held in June and Derskovski emphasized the following:

“The decree issued by the government to suspend the elections is vague because our election regulations and the Constitution do not recognize such a category of stopping the election activities. There was a pre-determined day that determined when those elections would take place, that determined election day has passed and now we have a new situation when a political consensus needs to be found to determine a new date for the elections so that the SEC can continue to carry out the whole process,” Derkoski said.

He stressed that the new situation should be taken into account, many questions should be asked about the manner and fulfillment of all legal procedures in the organization of the elections because on that election day over a million citizens go out and practice their right to vote.

He reminded that 35,000 members of the municipal election commissions also participate in the organization of the elections, but at least as many participated in the misalignment of the process.

In his address, Derkovski stressed that very serious consideration should be given before deciding on any further steps in organizing the elections.


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