Constitutional Court to decide on opening procedure for the decision to dissolve Parliament on Wednesday


President of the Constitutional Court Sali Murati announced that tomorrow, after the
session, a working meeting will discuss the proposal of Judge Osman Kadriu to
initiate a procedure ex officio to assess the constitutionality and legality of the
Decision to dissolve the Parliament.
Murati says that regarding the Decision for dissolution of the Parliament, at the
moment there is no case for assessing its constitutionality and legality, but the
further action of the Court on this issue will depend on the position of the
constitutional judges at Wednesday’s working meeting.
Earlier, the court ruled by a majority vote not to initiate a procedure to assess the
constitutionality and legality of this decision. However, last Thursday (April 30),
Judge Osman Kadriu submitted a proposal for initiating an official duty procedure for
assessing the constitutionality and legality of the same decision, due to which a
working meeting of judges is scheduled for tomorrow.

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