Sekerinska: We are a NATO reality that has improved the country’s stability, and its chances for economic growth


Friday’s sight on the sky over North Macedonia proved that the “We are NATO” slogan has become reality, as North Macedonia has finally become NATO’s 30 member after working towards this goal for 30 years. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we didn’t have the chance to properly celebrate membership, but today’s event, coordinated by the Army of North Macedonia, NATO command centers and the U.S. Air Force showed that it brings not just political, but also military and defense integration, Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska said on the occasion of Friday’s flyover of of U.S. army aircraft over North Macedonia saluting the country’s NATO membership.

She thanked the United States for the gesture of welcome to the Alliance and congratulated everyone involved in the process, which, as she underlined, lasted only a few minutes, but required a lot of preparation and hard work.

“North Macedonia proved that it has earned its NATO membership, by implementing reforms, making right decisions, as well as through the tireless efforts of Army members and state institutions,” Sekerinska said.

She added that North Macedonia’s investment in implementing reforms and obtaining NATO membership has paid off in managing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The Army was ready to act, as a result of numerous exercises staged at home and within NATO,” the Minister said, adding that North Macedonia used all mechanisms and instruments during the coronacrisis that come with membership to the Alliance.

“As a result of North Macedonia’s NATO membership, the phrase ‘We are NATO’ is no longer just a slogan, but a reality, which has improved the country’s stability, as well as its chances for economic growth,” Sekerinska said while attending the flyover with US Ambassador Kate Marie Byrnes.

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