Administrative Court’s ruling proves that the Government’s decisions regarding the Ministry of Interior are politically motivated


The Administrative Court, at a session held on May 7 this year, passed a verdict approving the lawsuit of the plaintiff, Ministry of Interior, represented by Minister of Interior Nake Culev, while the Government’s decision for annulling the allocation of employment is canceled.

Minister Culev’s lawsuit concerns a government decision made in early February that annulled a total of 88 deployment decisions made by Interior Minister Nake Culev.

The ruling by the Administrative Court confirms that the decisions in question made by Minister of the Interior Nake Culev were legal and were adopted on the basis of the legally established right of the Minister prescribed by the Law on Amendments to the Law. for the government and at the same time the legal provisions that regulate the subject matter prescribed by the Law on Internal Affairs, the Collective Agreement and all bylaws are fully applied.

Meanwhile, the ruling by the Administrative Court confirms that the Government, when making the disputed decision, made it as a result of incorrect application of the substantive law.

“This decision of the Administrative Court is another confirmation of the wrong policies pursued by the Government, which are contrary to the law, but also proof those behind all the decisions of the Government related to the Ministry of Interior are exclusively for political purposes. The previous decision by the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption and this ruling by the Administrative Court are a confirmation of my claims that deployments in the Ministry of Interior are in accordance with the law. In this regard, I encourage the employees of the Ministry of Interior to act in accordance with the law in the future and to respect the acts adopted by me, because they are in accordance with the law, which is essentially the only concept on which my work and management of the ministry, and what confirmation are the decisions of the SCPC and the Administrative Court,” said Minister Culev.

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