Pendarovski: Parties close to reaching consensus on election date, talks have halted in past two days


Political parties were close to reaching a consensus on the election date, but communication between them has broken down in the past two days, due to recent developments and an increase in the number of new coronavirus cases and casualties, President Stevo Pendarovski told reporters Saturday.

“Political leaders have their own channels of communication and keep me informed as well. From what I know, a few days ago leaders of the major ruling and opposition parties were close to agreeing on an election date. They’ve been discussing dates within a 10-15 day time period, including weekdays, as for the needs of the election a weekday can be declared with a decree a non-working day,” Pendarovski said in answer to a reporter’s question following Saturday’s session of the Security Council.

Talks between parties however, he added, have halted, presumably due to recent developments.

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – the country can’t function forever in a state of emergency. Political institutions must regain full capacity. It’s up to [leaders of political parties] to decide when to hold the election, but the virus is here to stay and a vaccine is not an option in near future. Countries worldwide are now saying a vaccine might not even be available in 2021 and are taking appropriate actions to ensure the credibility and legitimacy of their political institutions,” Pendarovski said.

He underlined that measures are relaxing, because otherwise the world will surely face not an economic crisis, but an economic cataclysm.

“Unfortunately, there will be new coronavirus cases and casualties for the rest of the year. We don’t have another choice, but to learn to live and organize our lives in line with the pandemic,” Pendarovski concluded.

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