Facebook reveals that Macedonian trolls have spread misinformation about the coronavirus


Facebook has again banned the Natural News website after repeatedly sharing content promoting conspiracy theories. This time the ban is due to the fact that this website used the so-called troll farms from Macedonia and the Philippines to spread their articles, and the information was mostly linked to fake news about the coronavirus, with 5G, Bill Gates and hydroxychloroquine.

“We removed these Pages for spammy and abusive behavior, not the content they posted. They misled people about the popularity of their posts and relied on content farms in North Macedonia and the Philippines,” Facebook said in a statement.

NBC News reported that Natural News was one of the most prolific pushers of the viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the risk of catching the coronavirus.

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