Albanian opposition demands responsibility for the ruling SDSM’s campaign


We are outraged by the negligence of those in power who not only violated the law and launched the campaign prematurely, but also endangered the health of hundreds of citizens. This irresponsible behavior of the representatives of the coalition “We can” must not pass in silence and without the deserved punishment, the Alliance for Albanians reacts to the campaign of the coalition led by SDSM.

“While the citizens respect the measures for protection against the virus, it is unfortunately served by this coalition as a result of their irresponsibility. “Given that the largest party of this coalition is in the government, and it decides on the measures and punishments of the citizens, we consider it discrimination against the citizens to pass this scandal in silence,” said the Alliance.

According to the Alliance, because the health of the citizens is more important than anything else, they demand responsibility for such behavior.

“There should be responsibility because the lives of the citizens are directly endangered and secondly because of the violation of the Electoral Code. “Responsible people must be held accountable for their moral responsibility and conscience, while the” We Can “coalition must also publicly apologize for irresponsible behavior and the risk it poses to citizens,” reads the statement released by the opposition Albanian party in Macedonia.

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