VMRO-DPMNE‘s Dr. Manojlovski: Half of the SDSM leadership is infected with COVID-19, while Zaev is talking about elections and campaigning


While in the countries of the region are discussing ways to recover  from the coronacrisis, such as the economy, opening up borders, Macedonia is facing a catastrophe, said Dr. Goran Manojlovski.

He says that Macedonia, with the numbers of newly infected,  is heading towards a new peak that was rumored to happen this fall.

– Undoubtedly, the large number of newly infected with coronavirus and the number of deaths are a consequence of the inappropriate actions of the authorities and the government. The ruling SDSM in this situation needs to be somewhat refined. The party is becoming the carrier of coronavirus in the country. Half of the leadership of the ruling SDSM is infected with coronavirus, while party leader Zaev is talking about elections and campaigning. In this whole catastrophic situation, a situation of a second peak in Macedonia, Zaev publishes photos from the campaign of his people, publishes photos of Lukarevska, Zekiri, Mancevski and the like, said Manojlovski at the press conference.

He says organizing elections in such a situation, with so new coronavirus cases, is mass suicide.

– Zaev and the government led by SDSM must understand that politics should be put aside, and that they should take care of the health of the citizens. VMRO-DPMNE remains on its own – the health of the citizens as top priority. Let’s put politics aside. At the same time, I would like to tell all Macedonian citizens that the state does not deal properly with this pandemic, keep your health, maintain proper distance, wear protective masks and gloves, wherever recommended, wash and disinfect your hands regularly, keep personal hygiene because the coronavirus does not recognize nationality, party or ethnicity, Manojlovski points out.

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