These elections, the public will not see a program but bombs of SDSM and Zaev


These elections, the public will not see a program but bombs of SDSM and Zoran Zaev! In these elections, Zaev’s battle will be with fear and lies! Executors do not know, but inspirers yes! Behind me is the building, behind me is the inspiration for the bomb attack on the family building of the Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE, Vlado Misajlovski. Bomb attack on an opposition official! That is the real face of the runaway SDSM. It is pure political violence, measures of the most undemocratic regimes. The violence that is being demonstrated is inspired and encouraged by the runaway SDSM, by their violent rhetoric, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski.

“Violence, the bombing of a family building of the vice president of the opposition, directly prompted by the impunity of the officials of the runaway SDSM. The laws do not apply to them, only crime, violence and hatred sowing apply to them. The responsibility for the bombing lies with SDSM, behind me! Here, too, the instigators of the attack, who fortunately passed without casualties, should be sought here. Igor Durlovski was verbally attacked with threats, Rashela Mizrahi was constantly monitored and photographed, for which there is a report to the police, Vice President Nikoloski pointed to wiretapping and surveillance, and now – now they started throwing bombs on Misajlovski’s family-owned building!” said Stoilkovski.

“This is an outcry of desperate people, hidden in the building behind me, who are doing everything to prevent them from being held accountable before the law and justice! Institutions must react, the case must be resolved as soon as possible, the perpetrator or perpetrators must be sanctioned. It must not be allowed bandits to take our state and control our destinies. We are determined, we go to the end, to defeat evil. There is NO compromise with crime,” said Stoilkovski.

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