Macedonian President expects safe campaign and fair, free and democratic elections


The electoral process and voting must be administered in accordance with high standards and criteria, says President Stevo Pendarovski in a statement on the start of the election campaign for the early parliamentary elections. He said that he expects these elections to be safe from a health point of view during the pandemic and urged the citizens to respect the protection protocols, and said that he expects all political parties to conduct a dignified campaign.

“Dear citizens, I urge you to come out and vote according to your conviction, without fear and pressure. Decide by yourself which political option or policy you will put your trust in. These elections are held in a time of the COVID-19 pandemic, with health protocols in place so that citizens use their constitutional right to vote in safe conditions and with proper protection. Observe these protocols, respect the protective measures and keep your distance,” says Pendarovski.

He says all stakeholders should contribute to fair, free and democratic elections, to which they committed by signing the Code for Fair and Democratic Elections.

“I expect all political parties to organize a campaign in which participation will be safe for everyone, candidates and citizens both. I expect political parties to demonstrate political culture without discrediting the opponent. I expect an inclusive campaign, during which the interest of marginalized groups and minorities will be represented. Moreover, I expect institutions tasked with administering the electoral process to work in a professional way, in accordance with the principles of openness, equality and impartiality,” says Pendarovski.

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