VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General: We promise work, certainty and future – We have concept and strategy!


Today is the start of the election campaign, and I will be as real and honest as ever. We do not expect a fair, transparent and democratic campaign from SDSM. We do not expect that because SDSM and Zoran Zaev are nervous because they know they are losing. Exactly that nervousness made the pre-campaign unfair and undemocratic, said VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev in his video address.

“There is no other country in Europe where the government starts its election campaign with a bomb dropped on the property of the vice president of the largest opposition party. There is no other European country where the government with a legal decree wants to wipe out the opposition from the media by halving the minutes that legally belong to it, no other country where the government distributes bribe packages, no other European country where each day is a new scandal. They do this not because they are strong, but because they are weak and afraid of defeat. That is why you are going down, Zaev. And don’t pull people down with you. VMRO-DPMNE will win, and so will Macedonia.

These 21 days will be the finale of a battle for the return of the country in the hands of the people, and for taking control of our destinies. We have seen how it should not be and how Zaev is incapable of delivering any result. These people rule with fraud and crime. A country where the prime minister is an amnestied racketeer, and we see his directors with bribes of money with bribes. This has to stop.

That’s why these 21 days are so important. VMRO-DPMNE will run a campaign through which it will be among the people through the streets of towns and villages. Each holder of the candidates’ lists for MPs will be present in the ground, at meetings with the citizens in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities. VMRO-DPMNE does not give up on direct communication with the people and we appeal for observance of the measures against the coronavirus. In these elections, we will have a double task to defeat the coronavirus and defeat the bigger virus, the virus of crime and corruption, and that is this government. We have presented our program and measures that are part of the “Renewal” project with which we are committed to a better life. We have the best program compared to the government that has nothing but lies and manipulation. We expect a convincing victory with a double-digit difference in the number of MPs regarding SDSM, said Janusev.

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