6.7 percent decline in tax collection


The Public Revenue Office (PRO) has recorded a 6.7% decline in tax collection. Tax collection drops of almost all taxes except for revenues collected from personal income tax which are a higher by 1.8% compared to June 2019.

PRO director Sanja Lukarevska told Wednesday’s news conference that that the total tax revenue amounted to MKD 5,240,928,514 in June.

A 17.3% drop in revenues from corporate income tax, which, according to Lukarevska, may be due to advance tax payment by taxpayers.

“The decrease is due to lower collection of monthly corporate income tax advances that may be the result of advance payments of monthly tax balances by a number of taxpayers,” Lukarevska said.

Collection of value added tax is slightly reduced, i.e. net income is decreased by 7.5%, while gross income by 1.7% compared to June 2019.

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