VMRO-DPMNE stands for equal representation of women in politics


Holder of ED 1 of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition "For Renewal of Macedonia"
Gordana Siljanovska Davkova in front of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
said that the “Renewal" programme establishes the principles of renewal of respect,
equality, knowledge and creation.

"Renewal of respect, gender equality, renewal of energy respect, knowledge
creation, the unused minds of women in Macedonia because the number of
ministers in this government was three and became four with Minister Nina
Angelovska but in terms of 26 is machoism politically of unprecedented proportions ",
said Siljanovska Davkova.
Siljanovska Davkova stresses that VMRO-DPMNE stands for equal representation of
women in politics and that it is a big step forward for democracy in the country.
Siljanovska Davkova also says that the “Renewal" programme has a huge number of
projects aimed at full and equal inclusion of women in social and political life.
"The “Renewal” says 40% of ministers will be women. You will agree that the number
is not Macedonian, it is Scandinavian in a way, and that is a step forward in terms of
sensitizing the Balkan men's militant world," Siljanovska Davkova says.
Siljanovska Davkova says that VMRO-DPMNE by example shows that it is fulfilling
what it promises and that is that there are women who are on the list and very
involved in the lists themselves but that the projects are committed to fulfilling the
promises of 40% representation of women in politics.

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