SDSM-led government spends millions of euros on tenders in the pre-election period


Despite all the indications of the professional public and the experts, the SDSM-led Government does not stop spending the citizens’ money. Namely, tenders for various procurements are released, regardless of whether they are justified during the crisis in the country. Tenders worth a total of 147,059,440 euros were released in April and May, of which 86,263,660 euros in May, reports.

What everyone is disgusted with is the wasteful spending of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia through the General Secretariat of 1,062,000,000 denars or 17,000,000 euros for the purchase of software licenses!

The government procures software licenses and services for public administration in state and educational bodies and institutions. Previously, the General Secretariat conducted a procedure for the same public procurement that was announced on February 14, 2020, the public opening was on March 16, 2020, and was annulled on May 21, 2020, following instructions from the Public Procurement Bureau in administrative supervision apparently due to irregularities in management of the procedure.

The second procedure for the same subject of public procurement was announced on 22.05.2020, and a Decision was made for selection of the most favorable bid on 03.07.2020. What is symptomatic is that the same company that was supposed to win the tender in the annulled procedure in May (according to the decision made by the General Secretariat of the Government) won the tender on July 3 on the re-announced announcement only 12 days before the early parliamentary elections.

A new reduced price was not submitted at the e-auction of such a large purchase, i.e. there was no e-auction! All this indicates that this tender has been purposefully prepared to get a company close to the government.

Does the state, in times of a COVID-19 pandemic, when there are an increased number of cases of patients and deaths, decline in economic activity and rising unemployment, make a decision to purchase software licenses? Are these the priorities of this Government, is this how it plans to overcome the pandemic and save the economy or obviously the personal income and profit until the last moment is the only goal of this outgoing Government?

Citizens should assess whether it is necessary to make a justified implementation of such rigged tenders worth millions in terms of a pandemic, accompanied by an increase in unemployment of 15,000 people, and when 30,000 employees did not receive their salaries for the month of April.

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