Entire settlements in Skopje get water from illegal supply connections


In the last conducted action, illegal connections were established in Glumovo, Shishevo and Saraj, next to the capital Skopje with tens of thousands of inhabitants, and misdemeanor charges were filed against all owners, informed the public company “Vodovod I Kanalizacija” on Sunday.

Illegal supply connections are prohibited by the Law on Water Supply and are determined by an authorized municipal inspector of the municipality. For all established holders of illegal connection, a misdemeanor procedure will be initiated for a committed crime.

As the company informs, the actions are aimed at protecting the water supply system, as well as the citizens who regularly and regularly perform their obligations to the company.

“Illegal water supply connections cause direct damage to the water supply system and the quality of water supply to all users in the city of Skopje. We appeal to the users of responsible behavior, removal of illegal connections and regular submission of requests for water supply connection, if they need it – says “Vodovod”.

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