SDSM files lawsuits for the “audio bombs”


The SDSM-led coalition “We Can” is running a completely positive campaign, SDSM President Zoran Zaev said in an interview with MIA and pointed out that during the presentation to the citizens they stressed what they plan to realize and at the same time have neither the opportunity nor the time for a negative approach.

Zaev stressed that they have already filed criminal charges against the bombs used in the campaign and added that they want all this to be expelled.

The lawsuits, Zaev emphasizes, are submitted to all those who publish, regardless of whether the opposition is a target, whether it is a target personally, the ruling party or the opposition party or any citizen.

“First of all, we want this to stop because a part of the citizens are in favor of privacy and they should know that everyone has the right to sue at least a friend with a friend to be filmed and then published. It is illegal, impermissible and you need to know it. Secondly, we said that politics should be an example for everyone and that is inadmissible, that is why we made it public, i.e. that everyone should transparently know that some things in the country are prohibited and that is why we have processed lawsuits. But of course, just to add here, the horror we hear in all this, the violence of people who did what they were talking about directly with their votes, list holders is really a great punishment by the citizens,” said Zaev.


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