Over 2,000 domestic and foreign observers to monitor parliamentary elections


Over 2,000 domestic and foreign observers will monitor the early parliamentary elections in Macedonia.

According to the State Election Commission’s timetable for election activities for the snap parliamentary elections, domestic and international observers can apply for election monitoring until Thursday.

Thus far, a total of 2,018 domestic, 130 foreign observers and ten foreign journalists have been accredited to follow early parliamentary elections.

Of the domestic observers, civic association MOST has accredited 905 monitors, followed by Aksios 2017 – 797, CIVIL Center for Freedom – 278 and Kumanovo-based National Roma Centre – 38.

Among the accredited international observers, according to data published on the SEC website, OSCE/ODIHR has accredited 47, the United States Embassy – 40, IFES – 4, French Embassy – 13, Hungarian Embassy – 10, Albanian Embassy – 4, Austrian Embassy – 3, Swiss Embassy – 3, Bulgarian Embassy – 2, Montenegrin Embassy – 2, Netherlands Embassy – 1 and Canadian Embassy – 1.

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