DUI contacted other Macedonian Albanian parties before forming government


Candidate for the first Albanian Prime Minister of Macedonia Naser Ziberi posted on Facebook after the announcement of the election results, that DUI leader Ali Ahmeti was already contacting with other Albanian parties to, as he said, achieve their cause.

“With 15 mandates, DUI becomes even more powerful to start negotiations with Macedonian parties. As we have always said, this idea is bigger than DUI and any other party. Therefore, we want to unite and include all Albanian parties, especially all citizens in our national cause,” Ziberi wrote.

The former minister of the now-defunct Albanian PDP party in the SDSM governments until 1998, claims that Ahmeti is in “serious negotiations” with other Albanian factors to support the idea of ​​the country’s first Albanian prime minister.

At the same time, the MP and senior DUI party official Artan Grubi told the media that “we are waiting for the official results from the SEC, and then we will talk to everyone,” suggesting to both Macedonian parties that have the largest number of MPs.

“With an almost equal number of mandates in the Macedonian bloc, DUI is considered a decisive factor for the new coalition that will form the next government. After the State Election Commission announced the initial distribution of mandates,” outgoing Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani announced, adding that “all roads lead to Mala Recica” (where the DUI headquarters is).

In one camp he listed SDSM and BESA which have 46 MPs, and in another camp he listed VMRO-DPMNE and Levica which also have 46 MPs combined (44 + 2).

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