New parliamentary composition with even fewer women than the last


The new composition of the Macedonian Parliament will have even fewer women than the previous one, although all parties that participated in the election race declaratively declare themselves for greater gender equality and increase the number of women in politics and especially in responsible duties.

Yesterday, the State Election Commission announced the official results of the tenth consecutive parliamentary elections in Macedonia. According to the SEC, the coalition “We can” led by SDSM in the new parliament will have 46 MPs, the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE 44, DUI 15, Alliance for Albanians and Alternativa 12, Levica two and DPA one MP.

The remaining nine parties and coalitions participating in the elections did not win a parliamentary seat.

Of the candidates for MPs who entered the new parliament, 79 are male MPs and 41 are female MPs. If compared to the previous parliamentary composition in which there were 75 male and 45 female MPs, it will be seen that this parliamentary composition is more dominated by men.

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