VMRO-DPMNE remains on the request for manual recount of votes  


VMRO-DPMNE’s Stefan Andonovski on last night’s TV show “Top Tema” on Telma TV said that VMRO-DPMNE has filed two substantive lawsuits to the Administrative Court.

“VMRO-DPMNE filed two substantive complaints with the State Election Commission. After the appeals were rejected, we filed two lawsuits with the Administrative Court, which is to decide in a procedure in the next few days. Both complaints are related to the complaints, one refers to the complaint for manual recount of all ballots because the number released on the application of the State Election Commission did not correspond to the report no.16 which is filled in at the polling stations and the second thing that was more than 12 hours late for publishing the initial unofficial results “, stressed Andonovski.

Andonovski pointed out that in the second complaint the party demanded to be inspected was the invalid ballots.

“As for the second complaint, it is also essential, and that is to inspect the invalid ballots more than 30,000 thousand in terms of Article 115 of the Electoral Code to see if they can really be considered invalid in terms of this article of the law because we saw that consciously a political party in the last days of the campaign was actively campaigning active pressure on the population to cross out the ballots so here we want to see if in that sense the ballots were made invalid and votes were taken that would they belonged to VMRO DPMNE “, said VMRO-DPMNE’s Andonovski.

Andonovski adds that there is a practice and possibility for the Administrative Court to decide positively on the basis of the lawsuits of the political parties and the procedure goes back to the SEC.

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