We had irregular elections, and we will have a strange dysfunctional government


Director and former president of Open Society Macedonia Vladimir Milcin in a guest appearance on the show “Samo vistina” on Kanal 5 TV, commenting on the outcome of the election result, said that these are irregular elections and because of that strange result there will be a dysfunctional government that does not work in the interest of citizens, but works in the interest of the parties and the business that is attached to them.

“We had irregular elections and we will have some strange government as a result, it seems to me a dysfunctional government that does not work in the interest of the citizens, but works in the interest of the parties and the business that is attached to them,” said Milcin.

Milcin added that this is a Pyrrhic victory with a small difference in MP seats, indicating that the next government will have a problem functioning.

It is a Pyrrhic victory, because it binds their hands, even if they believed that they had “good intentions” such a small difference, such a small majority would not allow them to carry out those “good intentions”.

This government that will be formed now will not last very long, so I think it is a waste of time. I think this government will have a problem functioning with this vote distribution, it will be difficult to function,” Milcin said.

According to him, the information that SDSM has already agreed on a government and that there will be an Albanian Prime Minister, Milcin says that he does not understand where they are sure that they will rule for four years, pointing out that the local elections will have results that will be a fierce slap in the face.

“If what they are writing is true to see that the prime minister will be Albanian for four years, I do not understand where they are sure that they will rule for four years, but I think that the local elections will have results that will be a fierce slap in the face,” said Milcin.

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